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★★★☆☆ Medium 63
★★☆☆☆ Poor 11
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 22
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3 years ago
oh great
Still as satisfied with the quality of the capsules and the taste of the nigella
3 years ago
Super effective
this shampoo is one of the best I have used
3 years ago
the best black seed oil on the market
I have been using this oil for years and it is really good to drink and also on the skin.
3 years ago
I recommend, The little minus, the plastic container. I decanted it into an opaque glass bottle.
3 years ago
Hello, the honey is very good but I can't find the bitterness.
Hello, the honey is very good but I don't find the bitterness described on the site, I have another Socotra honey which tastes good although it is bitter but apart from that very good honey.